I Am A Black Conservative
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I am a black conservative.
An Oreo, a coon, a race traitor, an Uncle Tom, an uncle ruckus, whitewashed, a token. I believe in the radical idea that in 2022 black people are able to make good decisions for themselves and become successful without handouts, without the help of woke Democrats, and without affirmative action. I believe that black people have so much more to offer this country; that they are strong, smart, beautiful, and capable just like everyone else. I believe that ALL injustice (not just the kind that effects black people) is a threat to justice everywhere. I will not excuse someone’s moral failings because of their skin color. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Commit crimes, resist arrest, don’t be surprised when things go south. That goes for all people no matter what color. Yes, I’m mixed, yes I married a “white man”, and no I’m not denying my black side. I’m still black and my experiences are still valid. I’m not “proud” of my melanin because I did nothing to earn it. There is no power in something as superficial as the color of my skin. That said, I love being black. I also love being Jewish and Latina. I love it because that’s how God made me and I’m not ashamed of it. You should love whatever skin you’re in too. I will not be ashamed of my conservative values. I’m pro God, pro-gun, pro-life, pro capitalism, pro informed consent, pro-nuclear family, pro religious freedom, pro homeschooling, pro self governance, pro putting America first. I don’t count how many black friends I have nor do I feel guilty for having more white friends. I frankly don’t care what color my friends are so long as they share my values. I realize that ignorance exists in every color and that ignorant people aren’t worth my time. I’m not a victim, I’m not oppressed, I’m not scared of police, I’m not a thought slave of the Democratic Party. Racism will always exist. Prejudice will always exist. Certain people will be treated differently in different societies and cultures based on the status quo of that society. Anyone is capable of this prejudice. We ALL have been guilty at some point of treating somebody as less than based on superficial qualities, whether that be skin color, attractiveness, the way they dress, class, etc. The reason Critical Race Theory (CRT) is so dangerous is because it makes white people the only perpetrators of impartiality while minorities are the only victims. This completely contradicts the Bible and what God says about the nature of man and our total depravity. The whole idea that white people are somehow more intrinsically sinful and oppressive than minorities, to the point that their very existence becomes representative of an oppressive system whether they “take part in the system or not”, is in fact racist. We often hear talk about privileges; white privilege, pretty privilege, rich privilege, able body privilege, etc. We rate ourselves by these privileges and think that the less privilege we have, the less oppressive and immoral we somehow are. We also have something to point at and blame for our own failings and why we aren’t where we want to be, whether it is valid or just an assumption. There will never be a time where everyone on the planet has equal advantages and opportunity, as lovely as that sounds. This expectation/mentality just breeds covetousness and is rooted in the sin of envy. I used to get all upset about the ignorant comments and micro aggressions I heard growing up. It wasn’t until I stopped identifying with identity politics that I was able to listen to people outside of my race and notice that my experience wasn’t unique. I realized that almost everybody, no matter what color, has experienced either outright bullying of some kind or ignorance. Even my white friends. I think these trends that people love to jump on such as #endasianhate do nothing but continue to perpetuate the idea that being a minority means you’ve had some unique experience that nobody else has had. When receiving “micro aggressions” Christians should ask themselves “What is that person’s intention?”, “Were they out to get me?”, “Did they say that out of an overflow of their hatred for my race? Or was it that they just didn’t think/Maybe they don’t understand the complexities of my specific culture?” Proverbs 10:12 says Hatred stirs up strife but love covers all sins. As Christians we need to stop being so hypersensitive to every comment and stop reading into every situation. Not everyone is a racist, not everyone is out to get you, and you’re not special when it’s comes to being bullied. It really bugs me to see people posting trending hashtags about ending violence and discrimination against a certain group of people while totally ignoring the discrimination and violence of others. People are right now, every day being discriminated against in America for their health choices. A mom in New York had her 6 year old child taken away from her because she didn’t wear a mask to school. There are no trending hashtags about that. Discrimination, bullying, hate, and violence are not some unique experience of minorities. They are a part of mans sinful, depraved nature, and sin effects everyone. If we want to fight for justice, let’s do it for ALL people. If you’re going to speak out, then do it every time someone is a victim of a hate crime, not just when it fits a trendy narrative. #AllLivesMatterEqually Martin Luther King Jr’s dream was for people to be judged by the content of their character and not their skin color. He fought for the exact opposite of the identity politics that plague our nation today. As my kids grow up, I will not teach them of “white privilege”. I will not tell them to fear the police or tell them that they are at a disadvantage because of their race. I will however train them up in the Lord to have morals, good character, work ethic, determination, critical thinking skills and respect for others. Their character will be the focus of conversations, not their race. For Christians, it’s important to remember that we are literally the most privileged people on the planet. We know the literal God of the universe and have a relationship with Him. He saved us from eternal damnation and gave us a glorious inheritance. You want to end hate? Forgiveness, repentance, and love is the only way forward. “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” - Martin Luther King Jr. |
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