We Are No Longer The Land Of The Free

    Freedom is something us Americans have prided ourselves on for decades. Freedom to think, speak, worship, bear arms, and live as we will. People have come to America from all over the world to get a piece of this freedom, and now in just one generation, we are literally throwing it all in the trash. Think I’m being extreme? Think again. The most basic human right afforded to any free person is the freedom of bodily autonomy. It is defined by the dictionary as the right of self governance over one’s body without external influence or coercion. Consent is the permission or agreement for something to happen to one’s body. Informed consent is permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences and it is broken down into three elements: 1. Disclosure of information. 2 Competency of the person making the decision. 3. Voluntary nature of the decision. 
  Informed consent is both ethically and legally an obligation of medical practitioners in the US, except in the case of apparently vaccines. And that is the topic of today’s blog post. I will not go into the efficiency of vaccines, if they work or don’t work, etc. I will not go into the corruption of Big Pharma or the CDC or the FDA as I have already talked about that in a previous post. Today I am simply going to talk about bodily autonomy, informed consent, and how every single person, no matter what side of the fence you land on, needs to be VERY VERY concerned about what is going on in America right now.  You might think vaccines are the best things since sliced bread and that what’s happening doesn’t effect you, but you’re wrong, and I’m going to explain why.
  Right now, as I type this blog, New Jersey is the 6th state trying to pass a bill to remove religious vaccine exemptions. Initially the bill was going to fail, but Senate President Stephen Sweeney removed two of the Democrats voting against it from the committee and replaced them with new members who would vote for it. (Source) If passed, 14,000 students will be removed from schools because of 19 cases of measles. 19!! Did anyone die out of these 19 cases? Nope. But apparently that is enough to literally strip 14,000 Americans of an education, their religious freedom, and their freedom of bodily autonomy. It will also be signed into law that adults cannot renew their driver’s license without the flu shot. Yeup. It’s not just kids. 
  It is government coercion to punish innocent people for refusing a medical procedure. It is technically illegal for the government to mandate any type of medical procedure in the first place since they don’t have a medical license and without one, you are not even allowed to practice medicine. America has literally been bought out by Big Pharma and these mandates are just the beginning. They are going state to state, stripping Americans of their right to bodily autonomy because in 2019 1,276 people got measles nationwide out of 327,2.million people. Come on guys, if that doesn’t sound off any alarms, then you need evaluate your critical thinking skills. By the way, not a single person died of measles and according to a quick google search, recovery time is a week. Meanwhile, the total amount of damages paid out by the U.S. Goverment in just 2019 alone for vaccine injuries and deaths is 110 MILLION dollars. (Source). Not to mention, Merck is in federal court right now for committing fraud on the efficacy studies on the mumps portion of the MMR, is being sued for their shingles vaccines and their Gardisal (HPV vaccine).
  Right now, in America, New York is currently forcing the MMR vaccine on 6 month old babies or their parents must pay a 1,000 dollar fine. Odd, since you can read on the insert here on the FDA’s website, that the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine has not been established in infants less than 12 months of age. Not a mommy blog, not a anti-vax website, the FDA! Wake up, parents! This isn’t just affecting people who don’t want to vaccinate. Soon you won’t be able to refuse HPV, or the flu shot, or even be on a delayed schedule. 9 year olds are being mandated to have the HPV shot to stay in school in both California and New York. Even if the mandates haven’t started in your state yet, medical practices are refusing to take non-vaccinated people. This needs to end and everyone needs to fight because it won’t be long before the people you know and love are being imprisoned, having their children taken away, being held in detention centers, being fined thousands of dollars, or being straight up forced to be injected because of their views on vaccines. 
  Just look at Somoa. They banned the MMR vaccine in 2018 after two babies died (Source), no measles for a year. Then in 2019 UNICEF comes in with 115,00 vaccines and begins a mass vaccination program. By November, Somoa declares an outbreak and literally forces adults and children (some who already were vaccinated with the MMR and some of who already had measles) to get the vaccine. Those who weren’t vaccinated were told to hang a red flag on their door (Source). Please check out this article about the timeline of the measles outbreak in Somoa for an even more in depth picture of what is going on. This video is also a great source on the Somoan crisis and questions the media should be asking! 
  This is the world we are living in, and if you continue to bury your head in the sand, whether you agree with vaccines or not, you will be reaping the consequences of giving over your bodily autonomy to the government. Adults are up next. Want a passport? Vaccine. Want ID? Vaccine? Want to fly? Vaccine. Want to continue working your job? Vaccine. Doesn’t matter if you’ve had a reaction, doesn’t matter if you are genetically predisposed to reactions, doesn’t matter if they violate your conscience before God, you will be required by law to get vaccines or lose everything.
   If you know your history, you will see how it is repeating itself. It always starts with demonizing a group of people, spreading fear through propaganda, creating consequences for those who don’t comply, continuing to increase consequences until all rights are violated and gone. This is nothing but medical coercion and a violation of human rights. If you are okay with this, then you are the reason America is no longer the land of the free.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan


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