Hell No, Beto, You Won't Take Our Guns
For those of you who watched this years Democratic debate, I'm truly sorry. It was honestly a excruciatingly painful experience I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. There were some truly memorable highlights if you're looking to cringe, but no highlight was quite as cringe-worthy as Beto Rourke exclaiming, "Hell ya, we will take your AR-15's and AK-47's" to a crowd of roaring sheeple. It reminded me of the scene in Starwars where Padme says, "So this is how democracy dies? To the sound of thunderous applause."
You literally can't make this stuff up. Here is a Presidential Candidate, literally promising to go against the constitution he would be swearing an oath to uphold. You can watch the depressing clip here. And for those of you who weren't depressed by that clip, this piece is for you.
1. The Reason For The 2nd Amendment. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Newsflash Beto, all weapons are designed to kill people. That is literally the point of a weapon. The fact that it does kill people is exactly why we need guns and why the Founding Father's thought it necessary to include gun rights into the Bill of Rights. Self protection is an American right, and we aren't just talking about from robberies, we are talking about protection from the government itself. Every single genocide that has happened in modern history, started with gun registration and confiscation. This happened in 1929 in The Soviet Union, 1911 in Turkey, 1938 in Germany, 1935 in China, 1964 in Guatemala, 1970 in Uganda, 1956 in Cambodia. More than 56 million people have been killed by governments enacting gun control. So the next time somebody asks you why we need military weapons, inform them that one day we might need to use them against the military. Also remind them, that the majority of shootings taking place across the US are a result of handguns, not assault rifles. Stats don't lie so check em here.
2. You Can't Regulate Sinner's Hearts. I feel like calling all of these mass shootings "gun violence" is intellectually dishonest. Do we call it car violence when somebody is killed in a car accident? Do we call it knife violence if somebody is stabbed to death? No? Did we call 9/11 airplane violence? Then why do we call it gun violence whenever there is a shooting? Here's the thing, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Guns are not the problem, violence is. You cannot regulate man's violent nature. Don't believe me? Let us see what the creator of man has to say about man's heart. Mark 7:21 "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornication, thefts, MURDERS, adulteries." Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" Ecclesiastes 9:3 "The hearts of the children of man are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live, and after they go to the dead."
All you do when you take away guns is disarm honest citizens because newsflash, criminals don't mind breaking the law! Last time I checked, murder was illegal, yet all these mass shooters are also murderers. If someone is intent on committing a crime, access to a weapon, whether it be a homemade bomb or a gun will be the least of their problems. Gun control cannot make violent men less violent, all it does is take away the defense of the innocent to protect themselves against violent men.
3. Guns save lives. There are so many instances where people carrying guns have saved lives. Don't believe me, read through the tons of cases here! Every person in that list is just a regular citizen, and it doesn't even include the lives saved by police and our military. In fact, in the US 2,191 lives are saved each day by guns. And for all you feminists out there, 200,000 women use guns every year to protect themselves against sexual abuse. Don't you think women should have a right to protect themselves? Read some more facts about how guns save lives here!
In summary, hell no, Beto, you won't take our guns. The second amendment is designed to protect citizens like me, from crazy politicians like you. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
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